Starbucks Logo History

Today, Starbucks is one of the most prominent and popular brands across the globe. The green and white logo can easily be spotted and recognized by most of us. It’s also a reliable brand that vacationers and tourists are on a look out for, wherever in the world they may be. Have you ever wondered what is the Starbucks logo meaning? After all, it is the logo that attracts a user to a brand, but what does it really mean? Is it just a pretty design or is there something more to it? Let’s take a walk through the history of Starbucks logo development and understand what it means.

The story goes back to 1971 when Starbucks was just another coffee shop on the Seattle waterfront. The founders were looking for a logo that beautifully captures and embodies the seafaring history of the land the famous coffee originated in. The consultant, Terry Heckler, went through numerous marine books and finally came up with a logo that was on a 16th century Norse woodcut – a two tailed mermaid. It was a great and unique logo but there was one problem, the mermaid was topless. The founders liked the logo and ignored the complaints about the exotic topless model. Then trouble knocked!

As Starbucks grew, it was time for some branding and putting up large logos on trucks meant a very large topless mermaid out on the roads. The brilliant solution was to cover the problem area with long flowing hair; the mermaid got a brand new hairdo and the branding and delivery trucks were all set.

It was in 1986 that an entrepreneur, Howard Schultz, proposed redesigning the logo by adding a green circle around the mermaid making it more prominent on the white coffee cup we all love and recognize. That’s the logo we all know today; the very famous green circle and mermaid that immediately reenergizes us. The power of a perfect logo cannot be underestimated, and Starbucks is a great example to prove how the perfect logo can create a unique and strong identity for a brand.

Starbucks logo meaning

What about the Starbucks logo meaning? Well, all the brand is trying to say is that the coffee is as exotic as the mermaid! Simple but so true! The Starbucks logo can be spotted almost everywhere, even in movies and advertisements- it’s truly a one of its kinds logo and the Starbucks logo development history makes it even more special.






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