Starbucks is heading to Central Europe

Starbucks, company behind the world’s largest coffee serving chain is on the best way to step into new business in Central Europe. Starbucks and company AmRest, which is active in Poland, Hungary and in Czech republic made a deal to open new Starbucks coffee shops in near future.

There is about 13,000 coffee stores all over the world, and Starbucks is actively seeking new opportunities. New Starbucks in this region will be joint venture between Amrest (which is also in business with KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s).






One response to “Starbucks is heading to Central Europe”

  1. Benko Borut Avatar

    We are interested in Franchising for Starbucks in Slovenia and other countries of EX part of Yugoslavia, such as Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Macedonia.

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